MYMC rebrand

  • Client:

    My Muscle Chef

  • Industry:

    Nutritious ready-meals

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From food to fuel for success

While some people might assume that meal prep services are for the lazy or for people who don’t care about food, My Muscle Chef’s research found the opposite. Their customers were active people who meticulously tracked what went into their bodies. They were serious about fitness, nutrition and goals. My Muscle Chef came to us with a whole lot of customer insights and a product that people loved. The kind of love that saw customers bringing their meals to wedding receptions, or crossing states to stock up. And with a whole new brand strategy, we returned them to their roots by making them a brand that is empowering, not just ‘supportive’; and a brand that’s strong rather than just ‘healthy’.

A brand strategy that rises above the competition

Despite much success, My Muscle Chef could see that they were operating in a category with a growing number of competitors and little differentiating them. 

With 15% of their customers generating 60% of their revenue, they were doing something right – but they needed to capitalise on what loyal users loved about them. That’s when they came to us, looking for a refreshed brand strategy.

Bringing MYMC’s strengths to the fore

We crafted a brand strategy that inserted My Muscle Chef into any fitness lifestyle and routine. Armed with this, any visual branding could be intentional, strong and fitness-driven.

Rich research insights and a worthwhile workshop

After holding workshops with key stakeholders and diving into the insights My Muscle Chef already had, It became apparent that loyal users valued fitness routines, control and meals that hit their macros while also being delicious.

A strong brand for a strong product

We built a visual and verbal identity that was as deliberate, strong and empowering as My Muscle Chef is. This informed our website designs, geared to gaining subscriptions and championing the pursuit of fitness goals.

700% impact in 3 years 

With a whole new brand strategy, we returned MYMC to their roots. They were no longer just a healthy-fresh-convenient food company, but a tool for optimising time and fitness, making fuel for persistence.

We built a visual and verbal identity that was as deliberate, strong and empowering as My Muscle Chef is.

No longer just a healthy-fresh-convenient food company. My Muscle Chef provide a tool for optimising time and fitness, making fuel for persistence.

We are always happy to meet new people. Give us a bell +61 2 9953 7870, email, or kick off a project.

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