Meet the team
We promise to provide a platform for hungry, humble, smart people to come together and function at their best.
Our values
This is our DNA. We challenge the norm, ask ’why?’, and come to the table with ideas.

We keep our promises, and this starts with staying true to our word.

We do good work with good people. It’s always a partnership.

We’re a team of hungry, go-getting, passionate people, wanting to create meaningful change.

At the heart of it, Chello is a group of great people striving to make great work. Our values tie the group together as we seek out like-minded clients to take us on their wild and wonderful journeys.

Lindsay Rogers
Co-Founder & Managing Director

Lindsay was once fired from a magazine, perhaps because her communication skills extend far beyond a glossy page. In fact, she knows the phonetic and fingerspelling alphabets, is an absurdly fast typer, and always up for slightly inappropriate banter. We mean the kind of banter that makes Lindsay laugh so uproariously that everyone in the studio stops what they are doing to look over their monitors in astonished silence. We think it must be the same laugh that won over her imaginary friends Ali and Ixox when she was younger (it sure explains a lot).
Tristan Velasco
Co-Founder & Creative Director

With a bunch of time on client side, Tristan knew it was time to give full-time content creation a red hot go. He is a lover of getting down to it, making a way and solving problems. Tris is all about creating cool stuff; written, typography inspired, hand drawn, painted or shot, he has got the eye. An early riser, oat flat white drinker and golf extraordinaire. Tris believes ideas come in many forms and that’s the complexity of our weird and wonderful brains.
Philippa Jameson
General Manager

When Philippa started her career in advertising she first worked with Nestle. She’s never gotten over her love of chocolate. First love runs deep. To rival her love of chocolate is a love of France. This Francophile appreciates saucisson, vineyards, the French language, and (happily for us) putting together a cheese board par excellence. While an obvious bon vivant, she’s always up for a challenge. She’s jumped out of planes, off waterfalls, swung over canyons and climbed a live volcano… all even though she’s terrified of heights. She has also run a casual marathon on the Great Wall of China. And though she hasn’t fulfilled her childhood aspiration to be a DJ, she’s still the 80s pop trivia master we all need.
Rebecca Templer
Finance Director

Bec is a self-titled ‘Metal Head’ with a penchant for motorbikes. Proper bikes mind you, not those silly little Italian nippers. Yup, welcome to the hardcore-finance era. If that wasn’t enough bite already, she’s also got a taste for vampire stories, but not Twilight, the proper grassroots stuff. But like any great thriller, there’s a twist, she’s got a softer side too, a proud dog mum of her mini dachshunds - Frankie and Pepper.
Lawrence Parmenter
Creative Director

With a background in film, Lawrence spends his spare time either scoping out the latest top-rated restaurants or cooking up a storm for one of his famous dinner parties. A man with more kitchen appliances you will not meet, but that makes for a very happy office when his leftovers make it into our kitchen. By stark comparison, he is just as pleased with a pint and a packet of crisps. You can take the man out of England, but you can’t take England out of the man. He loves Spider-Man and hates cyclists on the pavement, loves ’70s New American cinema and hates parking in Sydney’s Inner West. Is it just us, or can you see a pattern emerging?
Tom Dabner
Creative Strategist

Tom has been in the business of branding, design, and strategy for over a decade, moving from London to Sydney in pursuit of better coffee, weather, and wine. At the time of writing, he’s reading about wine, listening to a podcast about wine, and doing a knowledge course on wine. Take from that what you will. A true perfectionist, it breaks Tom’s heart when he comes across bad kerning. And don’t even think about offering him some liquorice as an office snack—it’s on his top five list of worst foods of all time. Try an apple pie from Macca’s instead. You thought he was all class and culture right up until the last minute there, didn’t you?
Natalie Wong
Associate Creative Director

Natalie prefers dogs to people. We know this is true because whenever we go out for lunch or drinks we’ll invariably turn around to find that Nat has somehow coaxed a dog into her arms. Luckily she has her own staffy to shower adoration on: his name is Percy or Percival if he’s being naughty. Nat travels for food and has had the very distinct pleasure of eating both tarantula and starfish. (She turned down the sheep’s appendage though.) It has been verified that she makes a mean chocolate meringue almond torte.
Miguel Del Mundo
Traffic Manager

Miguel is a musician and composer, and a fanatical Monster Hunter—not a Halloween pursuit, but a video game, we’re informed. He's also an avid book collector. But this story doesn’t end with a quiet read in the corner; Miguel likes to spend his time photographing the everyday moments around him. When he does finally wind down, he's notoriously bad at finishing TV series, with Blacklist and Dexter being the only ones he's watched to completion.
Jemma Parkin
Business Director

Jemma is a woman of fleeting hobbies, leading her to make some rather expensive purchases, that subsequently no doubt required a number of hasty online listings. There was the summer of Bondi surf love. Then it was the DJ decks. And coming soon, the fine-line drawing starter pack! One trendy piece that has stuck about however, is her pair of Oakley speed dealer running shades‚ some things never go out of style eh!?! The point is you can’t keep this one still, with her yeehaw country music spirit, and pathological need of exercise. Perhaps it’s something to do with the 4+ coffees a day? Food for thought.
Client Services
Drou Angelides
Group Account Director

Spelt ‘Drou,’ pronounced ‘Drew,’ short for ‘Androulla,’ baptised as ‘Andrianna.’ Drou’s topsy-turvy naming conventions foreshadowed a lifetime of zany misadventures with equally far-reaching, confusing consequences. At an early age she suffered a catastrophic food-poisoning incident courtesy of what she reasonably assumed to be a benign Filet-O-Fish. As a result, Drou now suffers from an acute tomato sauce phobia and would prefer it if this vulnerable information is not widely circulated in an extremely public work bio… it has however imbued her with a fearless spirit: from bungee jumping and skydiving in Africa, to hiking the Himalayas, and even sailing a hand-build wooden raft down the Amazon in Bolivia.
Client Services
Niamh O’Keeffe
Account Director

Bit of housekeeping, the name’s pronounced ‘Neev’, and If you couldn’t already tell, Niamh (there you go, you got it) hails from the emerald isle, via a few years of London living. Having not long landed in Sydney, Niamh (smashing it mate) is making the most of her love of new brunch spots — clearly not an early riser! Perhaps that’s because she’s spending her nights getting caught up on Aussie culture through our very distinctive brand of reality TV. Might be a while before she starts exploring the outback, however, as her fear of Aussie wildlife is entrenched and very real.
Client Services
Hugo Freemantle
Senior Account Manager

Hugo, the diehard Maroons fan born in Maryborough, QLD, is not your average DJ. Winning a Red Bull DJ comp wasn’t just about the beats (hello, free tickets to Splendour). This music maestro has an unusual Christmas tale too—one involving a car crashing into his family’s pool on Christmas Eve. Who needs a white Christmas when you can have a splash of excitement? Before Hugo became the life of the party, he spent seven years in the hotel industry. From hotel check-ins to managing client services, it's safe to say he’s mastered the art of making people feel at home.
Client Services
Ellie Walton
Senior Account Manager

Born and raised in Yorkshire, England, Ellie is drawn to country walks, cosy pubs and catch-ups over a proper cuppa. She loves a rom-com, the cheesier/more predictable the better, and if Hugh Grant is in it we’re on to a winner — even better if I’m in close proximity to a log fire and a Christmas tree. So... kinda begs the question, why Australia Ellie? Well, she’s also a sucker for a sunrise, coffee, walk or yoga, which are all a whole lot warmer and more enjoyable down under. And when your retirement plan involves pistachio gelato and Aperols, it all starts to make sense!
Client Services
Cristina Gonzalez Larrea
Account Manager

Cristina is on a world tour. Born and raised in Madrid, she’s lived in Dublin, Les Alpes, Paris and (luckily for us) has now settled in the beautiful land of beaches and ‘roos. Bringing to Chello her infectious positive energy, Cristina loves many things. From scuba diving to skiing, and a crisp glass of white to the humble chicken nugget. Sounds like she’ll become a regular at our all-too-common pub lunches. But there’s one thing this perpetually sunny Account Manager hates, and that’s coffee. Just give her a glass of Nesquik instead. Yes, the chocolate milk powder. No, she won't take questions about that. Back to the positives, Cristina has a massive love for mini dachshunds. So, minus the coffee hate, we’re preeeeetty sure she’ll fit in well here.
Client Services
Olivia Martino
Account Manager

Always hungry, occasionally dangerously hangry. Lucky we always have a not-so-healthy stock of Nutella in the kitchen. Not even a brother with nut allergies stopped her from having the hazelnut nectar in her house growing up! Once well-fed, Olivia indulges her other achilles heel, shopping. She’s a follower of ‘Treat ‘yo’ self’ philosophy, meaning that every task completed deserves a treat! Though she’s well aware that her handbag aspirations do not match her bank account. Her mascara bill must be high however, given the length of her eyelashes — something she proudly puts down to her Italian genes.
Client Services
Ceri Jones
Senior Producer & Creative Resource for Ideation

If spiders terrify you with their insistence on being present in your space, Ceri is the person to call. She'll make sure that spider is safely relocated far from you. This makes her an invaluable asset in the office—and in Australia in general. Ceri spent her first eighteen years in small English towns and in London, where she hit the books at Central Saint Martins. With a fascination for the odd and macabre, her weakness is haunted houses.
Chesca Ruta
Design Lead

Don’t be fooled by the fancy-pants name, Chesca is all Yorkshire. She’s got the accent that’s as stuck on as the day she arrived in Australia. She’s also a massive tea snob, never without a proper imported Yorkie tea bag. That’s not a euphemism, as far as we’re aware. She’s also pretty handy on, well, pretty much anything. From design software, to up-cycling furniture; and more recently sewing. Her golf swing could use a little work however. So room for improvement.
Becky Gillis
Senior Designer

Becky has two older sisters, 37 cousins and 17 aunts and uncles. Family get togethers must be frantic. And possibly the reason that Becky can eat three times her body weight at twice the advisable speed. This often results in a bout of hiccups so if you’ve got a hiccup cure, we've got just the person to verify its effectiveness. Having danced for eleven years she is r-e-a-d-y for any costume party that requires sequins, sparkles and feathers. She has paraglided off the Alps but remains terrified of heights.
Zak McWilliams
Senior Designer

Zak joins us with 6+ years of agency design experience and an Irish accent, though disappointingly, no free pints of Guinness. When he’s not working, you’ll find him trying to match Rory McIlroy’s golf skills or cooking up something spicy in the kitchen. In fact, we're pretty sure he mentioned something about spicy margs. Consider us intrigued! Born in Belfast, a world-traveller as a kid (thanks to his dad’s motorbike racing), and now living the Sydney dream, Zak has swapped the fast lane for a slower pace—especially when it comes to his daily stroll to the coffee shop.
Meg Maddison

A designer, staffy-lover and exercise-enthusiast with a one syllable name. Where have we heard this story before? *cough* Nat *cough*. Meg however, is no clone of everyone’s favourite Associate Creative Director. She’s more like the upgrade... Meg has not just one, but two staffies. And yeah sure, Nat goes to the gym and dance classes, but Meg’s completed an Ironman. She’s even sumited Kilimanjaro. Nat walked up the hill in Sydney park once. As a self-confessed ‘bird-nerd’, this South African bush baby is also capable of staying incredibly quiet and still for long periods of time. Nat is not.
Anna Kwakye
Junior Designer

Anna has a terrible sense of direction, but she always knows the way to her nearest Salvos. When she’s not thrifting, you’ll find her glued to reality TV. Love Island is the gold standard, but she’ll happily dissect Love is Blind, MAFS, and The Traitors too. Not that she'd last long in the game—her poker face is truly non-existent. But at least we always know her opinion on things, right? As a designer, she brings the same sharp eye to her work as she does to spot the coolest secondhand gems that the Inner West has to offer. All in the name of fashion, darling!
Lauren Barrett

When asking her loved ones for weird facts about her for this very bio, someone responded to Lauren, "You’re from Armidale." Rude! But also... kinda funny. In Armidale, she rode horses, competing in dressage and hack. (We’ll save you the Google: hacking is a kind of competitive horse presentation.) A chronic binger of Netflix, she'll cross over into free-to-air if it involves anything MasterChef. Lauren also happens to love a cheese platter. We don’t hire cheese lovers on purpose; they just end up here somehow.
Joel Stylis
Senior Motion Designer

Balding Joel—his words, not ours—can make anything move. He crafts rich worlds for detailed explainers and clever animations that make the complex simple. He could probably even get Nana out of her chair if you needed him to. But there's more to this sneakerhead than just video motion. Joel also harbors a burning fear of dirty fingernails, which is quite the challenge when you have two dogs to pick up after. Square that one, motion man!
Isabelle Coury
Motion Designer & Illustrator

Did you know there are 196 countries in the United Nations? Well, Issy does, and she can recite them by heart in under six minutes. (She's working on reducing that to five because, you know, she's an underachiever.) Issy also has two metaphorical stomachs: one for the main course and one for dessert, as her sweet tooth is truly something to behold. But her love for sweets isn't the only sweet thing about her. Issy is also a major foreign film aficionado, enjoying anything from Iranian dramas to Soviet cinema—both of which, incidentally, are on the UN list.
Jaron Lionel
Senior Video Creative

Another Londoner to add to Chello's growing list, Jaron creates videos that you'll actually want to watch, with big brands like Puma, Calvin Klein, and Napapijri in his repertoire. Cool guy, right? He’s a self-proclaimed hip-hop head (team Kendrick, if you’re wondering), but that doesn’t stop him from singing along to the occasional office country ballad. His talents have ranged from skateboarding to guitar playing and even poetry writing. But everything pales in comparison to the cool points he gets for appearing on the game show Deal or No Deal with Noel Edmunds and (in our opinion) TV's most iconic hair. Sadly, he did, in fact, return home without one single deal. Maybe try the lottery next time, Jaron?
Nicola MacAlister

Nicola hails from a picturesque island off the west coast of Scotland. According to her, summer doesn't exist there. We'll take her word for it. Recently, she swapped small-town living for 1. sun, 2. sea, and 3. creative hustle. An obsessive list-maker, she chases the satisfaction of ticking off tasks and wrapping up a job well done. Great, another perfectionist. She’s also a big fan of early bedtimes and getting up at the crack of dawn for various run clubs, team workouts, and sunrise dips. Back in the day, Nicola had dreams of becoming a physiotherapist or visual merchandiser, but fate had other plans, and she found her way to the world of words. Welcome aboard, Nicola!
Charlie Roberts
Senior Copywriter

Charlie is half-deaf on one side (what was that?) so legally can never be accused of ignoring anyone. Although frustratingly for him, this doesn’t stretch as far as an extra parking sticker — though his parents did give it a red-hot crack. Other trivial points include a small obsession with seaweed, likely an internalised after-effect of a childhood spent on Scottish beaches. And he is an accredited Football (Soccer) coach, which in no discernible way helps his writing, but does mean he excels at laying out delightful cone displays.
Celina Siriyos
Consultant Senior Copywriter

Do you have a pop cultural memory that cannot be Googled? Celina's is a Gregorian chant version of "Ghetto Supastar," which she heard in a Sanity store near the turn of the millennium. She is unsure now if it was just an elaborate figment of her imagination or a stroke of genre-crossing genius that cannot be unearthed by the internet. In the time between (supposedly) hearing this song and the current day, Celina has managed to kill a litany of plants, learn Japanese book-binding, and become a writer. She loves turbulence but is terrified of amusement park rides.
Collective approach
Access to the annual employee profit share
Be an active and contributing member to our company with input into quarterly initiatives
The opportunity to work with passionate people, that are good at what they do, and enjoy each other’s company
Work-life balance
Hybrid working model (2 optional WFH days, 3 office days)
Tracking hours & rapid solutions at weekly meetings to support work-life balance
Access to our Employee Assistance Program including counsellors if needed
Career development
Individually tailored career progression plan and a formal promotion system
Allocated Learning & Development budget for every person, with scheduled time to complete, and an opportunity to apply for further learning via the Chello Scholarship
Annual retreats
Potential quarterly social days
Monthly “Breakfast Club” all-hands get togethers
We’re hiring
Junior Motion Designer
Are you a passionate storyteller with a love for motion design? We’re on the search for an ambitious junior motion designer to join our team! We’re looking for someone who not only loves crafting compelling narratives but also enjoys nerding out over the latest tools and techniques in animation. You should have the ability to storyboard, create illustrations or graphical assets for animation, and, of course, have amazing motion design skills to bring those assets to life. A unique eye for visual storytelling and a strong personal style will set you apart. Balancing creative marvel with impeccable organisation skills is key—you’ll need to keep your project files as polished as your animations!